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After losing everything he had ever loved or cared for, Alex Lohr finds another life worth living for and he's ready to wage war to keep it, ...but it is a war that may just cost him his life.
The year is 2008, Edwin Teba, a sixteen-year-old Cochiti Pueblo Indian and student genius at St. John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico has just been found nearly beaten to death. As Edwin’s genius was well known in the region, the beating has captured the public eye of northern New Mexico. Ever since the Spanish conquistadors, the region has been plagued with conflict between Hispanics, Anglos, Native Americans, artists, the desperately poor, the filthy rich, the conservative religious and nuclear scientist guardians of the U. S. nuclear arsenal in Los Alamos, New Mexico. The cultural conflicts still remain, as the Pueblo Indians have a history of being the last to drink from the well of good fortune. Edwin’s critical condition and the mystery of his attack are at the forefront of everyone’s attention.
Among those with interest in Edwin’s plight is his sixty-year-old college professor, Alex Lohr. Alex is in the midst of a new beginning to his life. His need for this new beginning comes as a result of his unfulfilled personal life. He has a legacy of financial success and wealth, which results from considerable unethical business practices. He has also endured some very sad events in his life, including the death of his only son, a U. S. Marine helicopter pilot killed in Afghanistan. He is angry, and mostly, with the man in the mirror. He not only wants to change his leopard spots, but kill the leopard within.
In many ways, Edwin has become a substitute son for Alex. But there is more that haunts Alex about Edwin’s attack and that is the fact that Edwin’s uncle, Mike Deerinwater, is a reminder of one of Alex’s earlier reprehensible deeds. While in college, Alex initiated and convinced Mike to be a participant in a very shameful act which was seen on national television. The shame of the act caused Mike’s life to spiral downward. Thus, Alex has avoided any encounter with Mike, until they meet in the hospital where Edwin lies clinging to life.
Alex and Mike eventually connect and they join forces with Jo Ann McAllen, Edwin’s computer science professor, to hunt down Edwin’s assailant. Soon they learn that Edwin, through an association with a quantum physics expert at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sol Ginsburg, has developed an advanced algorithm for artificial intelligence, with great capacity...for both good and evil.
Jo Ann sees the potential of the algorithm and its profound capabilities. She and Alex work closely on identifying potential culprits and confronting the prime suspects. During the process Alex begins to challenge himself as to what has mattered to him in his life and how desperately he wants to actually find love. He begins to realize that the battle for Edwin has proven that he can change. He not only shows this truth to himself, but also to others. He becomes an old dog who can and does learn new tricks.
(Click on the arrow above for theme music)
Script Information
Registration - ISBN # 1723849
Material Type - Script
Intended Medium - Web Series
Language - English
Locations - Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States
Rating - Parents Strongly Cautioned
Era - Recent Past
Multicultural links to different interpretations of history.
(For Copy of Script, email a request to marcum8@gmail.com)
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